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\'Listen\' Miss McCloud’s Reel (1:42) Listen | Download
Howard Woodcock

• Sheet Music (pdf)
• Scorched (sib)

\'Listen\' Naughty Waltz (2:34) Listen | Download
Don Woodcock

• Sheet Music (pdf)
• Scorched (sib)

\'Listen\' Circular Two-Step/Reel in G and Elm (3:57) Listen | Download
Don Woodcock

• Sheet Music (pdf)
• Scorched (sib)

\'Listen\' Dad\'s Reel/Reel in D/Trume’s Reel (3:48) Listen | Download
Don Woodcock

These three tunes I am willing to bet have never been recorded. I played these for many fiddlers all over and no one ever had heard them. The first two are tunes Dad played and the last one I learned from an old time fiddler, Truman Crary. Truman was born in 1882 and died in 1972. He lived about 4 miles up the road from me. He played for many years for the Joe Calipari Orchestra from Potsdam [a very popular dance group here in the 1940s to 1960s, at least].

Dad and I would often go and visit “Trume” as we affectionately called him. We would spend Sunday afternoons around the piano. When we would get ready to leave, Trume would sometimes cry and tell us he wished we would visit him more often. Getting back to the last tune that I learned from Trume, it was about 1962 when I heard him play it a special event. I recall people were dancing the Virginia Reel to this tune. I don’t know if this was often played for this specific dance or not.
